Fairest among thousands altogether lovely

The initials “F.A.T.A.L.” found on some are said to stand for the phrase, “Fairest Among Thousands, Altogether Lovely,” a reference from the Song of Songs, although also an apt description, perhaps, of some of thebiblical heroines above.

What does the Masonic star represent?

Generally, the star symbolizes the guiding light of the Divine, which points the way of truth, as can be found in the Fourth Degree of the Scottish Rite. In the Ninth Degree, The Blazing Star is explicitly referred to as the star of direction, directing the pilgrim in his journey through life.

What is the symbol for the Order of the Eastern Star?

The emblem of the Order is a five-pointed star with the white ray of the star pointing downwards towards the manger. The meaning of the letters FATAL surrounding the center pentagon in the emblem is only revealed to members of the Order.

What is the Masonic symbol called?

The Square and Compasses The most well-known Freemason symbol, “The Square and Compasses,” depicts a builder's square joined by a compass.

What do the five points of the Eastern Star mean?

The Bible forms the basis for its teachings, and its multicolored star-shaped logo has five points which symbolically represent character-building lessons exemplified by significant female biblical figures.

What does the letter G mean in Freemasonry?

Geometry With a "G" Another is that it stands for Geometry, and is to remind Masons that Geometry and Freemasonry are synonymous terms described as being the "noblest of sciences", and "the basis upon which the superstructure of Freemasonry and everything in existence in the entire universe is erected.

How do Masons identify each other?

Historically, Freemasons used various signs (hand gestures), grips or "tokens" (handshakes), and passwords to identify legitimate Masonic visitors from non-Masons who might wish to gain admission to meetings.

How does a woman become an Eastern Star?

As a female relative of a Master Mason in good standing, you're eligible to join the Order of the Eastern Star. You may be the wife, mother, daughter or stepdaughter of a Mason, or an extended family relative, such as a great granddaughter, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, or first or second cousin.

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