Homily on john 9 1 41

What is the message behind Jesus healing the blind man?

Jesus opposed this judgmental attitude that assigned physical ailments to specific sins. Jesus said that neither the blind man nor his parents had sinned. The purpose of the blindness was that “the works of God should be revealed in him,” (John 9:3).

What can we learn from the story of Bartimaeus?

The story of Blind Bartimaeus reminds us that Jesus truly is the answer to our needs. He is the only one that can save us from our circumstances, from our choices, and set us on a new path. Every time he picked up this coat he was reminded of the fact that he was useless, nothing could change that.

What is the message of John Chapter 9?

Chapter 9 is a summary of John's concept of revelation and sin, according to Smith. He says Jesus's coming reveals who people are and that we are all really in darkness. We need the giver of sight and light and the ones who own up to this need accept Jesus as the Revealer and the giver of light and sight.

What ironic contrast is there between the man born blind and the Pharisees?

The irony is that the man born blind, an outcast, has his eyes opened to believe in Jesus while the learned Pharisees, who ostracised him, move into darkness and blindness. The man becomes an enlightened disciple.

What is the lesson of the blind man?

In some versions, they come to suspect that the other person is dishonest and they come to blows. The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people's limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true.

What does saliva represent in the Bible?

Saliva As A Means Of Healing By Jesus Jesus made use of spittle or saliva in some of the healing cases reported of him (John 9:6; Mark 7:33;8:23). In one of such cases, he even made a paste of saliva and clay, which he applied to the eyes of a blind man (John9:6).

How did Bartimaeus know who Jesus was?

So Bartimaeus had to yell to get Jesus' attention. It was against custom to shout at a rabbi, but he didn't let a custom keep him from getting healing from Jesus, he shouted all the more. And he knew who Jesus was – he called him the Son of David. That tells us that he acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah.

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