Philippians 8 28

The promise of Romans 8:28 that God works for our good “in all things” is reassuring. First, He works for “the good of those who love Him.” If you love God, you can trust that He is working for your good. … He loves you back, and when we love people, we seek their welfare.

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

The verse in the Bible that most Christians make reference to is Leviticus 19:28, which says,"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord." So, why is this verse in the Bible?

What the devil meant for evil God uses for good Bible verse?

Joseph is recorded in Genesis 50:20 as saying to his brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God used it for good.” What a story with great implications for our own lives. So many times, things come against us that seem evil- sometimes they are evil- and God is able to use them for good anyway.

What’s the Scripture all things work together for good?

All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

What Bible verse is 828?

8:28 No one can explain what happened, but the number 828 gives us a pretty huge clue. In the premiere episode, the number can be seen in a Bible verse Michaela's late mother stitched onto a pillow. It reads, "All things work together for good," and is a part of the bigger Romans verse 8:28.

Is tattooing a sin?

The Hebrew prohibition is based on interpreting Leviticus 19:28—"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you"—so as to prohibit tattoos, and perhaps even makeup.

Is getting a piercing a sin?

Most people on the side against body piercing use Leviticus as an argument that body piercing is a sin. … There are stories in the Old Testament of nose piercings (Rebecca in Genesis 24) and even piercing the ear of a slave (Exodus 21). Yet there is no mention of piercing in the New Testament.

How is God trustworthy?

Because God is eternal, so are His promises and the hope that accompany His promises. His never dying makes Him trustworthy. … All three reasons remind us of God's power and the eternal nature of that power. He will not leave His throne and no one will replace Him.

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