Santa barbara patrona

What is Santa Barbara the patron saint of?

miners Barbara, (died c. 200 ce; feast day December 4), legendary virgin martyr of the early church. Venerated as one of the 14 Auxiliary Saints (Holy Helpers), she is invoked in thunderstorms and is the patron saint of artillerymen and miners.

How was Barbara tortured?

The Prefect had Barbara scourged, beaten with clubs, burned with torches and cut her breasts away. When the Prefect learned that he reached nothing through that torture, he ordered that Barbara be beheaded. Dioscuros carried out that execution over his daughter with his own hands.

Why does Saint Barbara hold a sword?

The evil Dioscorus tortured his daughter, then took her to a high mountain, where he beheaded her. Afterward, as he descended the mountain, he was caught in a sudden violent storm, struck down and consumed by lightning. Only his scorched sword remained as a reminder of God's vengeance.

What does Santa Barbara represent?

Saint Barbara is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Her association with the lightning, which killed her father has caused her to be invoked against lightning and fire; by association with explosions, she is also the patron of artillery and mining.

What is the biblical meaning of Barbara?

Meaning: "strange or foreign"

Did Saint Barbara have long hair?

In one version of the story, Barbara's beautiful long hair burst into flames after he grabbed it to strike the fatal blow. In punishment for his sin of murdering her, he was struck by lightning on the way home (or immediately in other versions) and his body was entirely consumed by the resulting fire.

What is the personality of the name Barbara?

Barbara is a name that evokes logical reasoning. You are possibly intelligent, intuitive, graceful, and even a psychic. Interest in spirituality and mysticism is a strong possibility in your quest for truth. Sometimes you are not friendly and do not like to spend time with other people.

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