What does gird your loins mean

What does the Bible mean by gird your loins?

Prepare oneself for action, as in I'm girding up my loins for that crucial interview. This expression comes from the Bible (Proverbs 31:17) and originally alluded to tucking up the traditional long robe into a girdle (that is, a belt) so it will not hamper physical activity. [

What is the origin of Gird your loins?

The idiom gird one's loins is derived from the Bible. People who lived during the time that the Bible was written wore flowing tunics. If a person had to take part in a difficult physical activity it was necessary to tie up the flowing fabric and tuck it in his girdle or substantial belt.

What are your loins?

loins, the parts of the body between the hips and the lower ribs, especially regarded as the seat of physical strength and generative power. the genital and pubic area; genitalia.

What does from my loins mean?

The "fruit" of one's loins refers to offspring, and "fruit of my loins" also appears in the King James Version. Loins may refer generally to the lower area of the body, much like the term "below the belt" derives from a belt worn at the waist.

How do you gird your loins?

When Elijah “girded up his loins” (1 Kings 18:46), he was probably wearing a knee-length robe. It's likely that he fastened a cord tightly around his waist, then shortened his garment by pulling it up and letting it flounce over the belt.

How do I gird my loins?

(Note: In this case, loins does not refer to the genitals, as with Nabokov's “light of my life, fire of my loins.”) So, “to gird your loins” means, literally, to wrap a belt around your waist so that your clothes don't flop around.

What’s another word for loins?

What is another word for loins?


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